Our Business Story
It started with one shirt
The story behind MDH Gifts starts years ago when owner and designer Michael Douglas Hall found himself searching for a shirt that would lend the right feel to an upcoming Halloween celebration. After trips to the mall and even shopping online, he was still empty-handed. But Michael has always enjoyed a knack for figuring out things on his own. His next round of searching focused on an expressive pattern, rather than ready-made clothing. With a bolt of fabric in hand, Michael reached out to a friend who sewed in her spare time, and shipped his carefully selected material across the country to her. This rather involved process produced one shirt that was a hit when Halloween arrived.
That grew into MDH Gifts
Anywhere Michael wore it, more people requested a shirt just like his. Michael realized his original cross-country exchange couldn’t possibly keep up with demand. Having spent a lifetime working with his hands, the answer seemed obvious: Michael learned to sew. It took some learning. But he applied the same patience that led to past successes in woodworking and ceramics, and soon found himself not only reliably producing quality apparel, but refining his designs. Today, you can find his creations at California boutiques in Burbank and Mariposa, and through this website. Michael is always hard at work updating and creating designs, so check back often. Chances are, you’ll love what you find.

What’s Your Vision?
Please contact MDH Gifts at your convenience to get started with your order. Continue browsing this website for more information about us, our clothing, and the array of designs we feature.